
by Ana Sovan -

Repetition and constancy are crucial for individuals with dyspraxia - help to reinforce learning.


by Ahmed Madani -

Speaking with the learner to discover what strategies they had previously which worked well and using that as a starting point

Repetition is another great strategy that will support learners with Dyspraxia 


by Sai Sivakumar -

dealing with dyspraxia and dyscalculia needas breaking down infore into smaller chunks and having one to one attention 


by Deleted user -

Chunking as this will work with lots of learners also - so you are not making an issue of the learner with dyspraxia 


by Deleted user -

I've not come across any students with Dyspraxia yet but I would implement the encouragement of using a laptop to take notes, repeating instructions and encouragement of using a to-do list


by Syrah Khan -
  1. Working in smaller groups 
  2. Breaking the tasks into to manageable tasks 
  3. Words of encouragement 


by Deleted user -

Breaking down the task 

Getting to know strategies that work for an individual learner 

Words of encouragement 


by Olu Abiola -

If we break things down into small chunks for students, it will make it easier for them to understand information

Using time effectively

by Hollie Smith -

Using organisation skills to allow them to understand, process and complete tasks easier, working with what works for them whether it be breaking work down into smaller chunks and completing tick lists 


by Deleted user -

Break down topics/assignments into small bitesize chunks. These are then more realistically achievable 


by Shanthi Jude -

Breaking the tasks into small chunks 

Instead of giving blank white papers give sheets with layouts for mind maps or divided sections with questions to answer about the topic.

Allow them to discuss in small groups


Which strategies will be easiest to implement:

by Jane Stafford -

 * Ask them, what helps them concentrate and learn in session time?

 * Repetition of task descriptors, one chunk at a time

 * Encourage them to get a clear pencil case and to get all they need for the task ready at hand.

The power of the tick

by Deleted user -

Ask the student to list the task they need to achieve and tick each one off as they complete